Call a certified professional dog trainer
@ 203-613-1233
Call a certified professional dog trainer
Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Fairfield County!
Teach your dog how to follow simple instruction... Eliminate LEASH PULLING, AGGRESSION, ANXIETY, SELECTIVE HEARING, and more...
Unlimited classes for only $100 per month. This amazing deal is available after the completion of our 3 week day training program.
In-Home, one on one consultations assure owner handling skills are up to speed.
Serving Norwalk, Stamford New Canaan and Darien, Connecticut Dogs.
Holistic Behavioral Dog Training for Norwalk, Stamford and the rest of Fairfield County, Connecticut!
• In home Consultations
•Day training
•Puppy classes
•Growl Classes
•Behavioral Enrichment
if you have a dog in need of an extracurricular activity, we can help!
learn how to functionally exercise your best friend through structured and purposeful dog training.
an exercised dog is a happy dog!
Behavioral enrichment course
If you live in Fairfield County and your dog is displaying aggressive behaviors, then give us a ring! Instinct Canine specializes in the rehabilitation of aggressive dogs. Our aim is to teach dog owners how to solve and manage all problem behaviors with their dogs.
We turn dog owners into trainers!
Visit us anytime! We are located around back at, “The Boarding House.”
726 Connecticut Ave. Norwalk, CT 06854